what should i be when i grow up?
Favorite Answer
Well you like :
Helping Others
Learning Spanish.
You could be a holiday rep ?
In a park resort, you could go live in Spain, that way you’re becoming a pro at speaking Spanish, you help others, and it can be great fun.
You could work at a travel agents, but you don’t travel you sit in an office which wouldn’t be good for you as you said you don’t want to be in an office. ( Don’t blame you lol )
You could be a airline person, sorry i’ve forgot what they are called.
They help out on the planes and in the airport, you can pick up languages from people on the plane and help them out if they feel unwell etc.
You could be some sort of community worker in Spain, A bit like a police officer, but more like a community liason officer, who help families, people who have been robbed etc.
You should also try and speak to your schools career advisor as they know a lot about different types of jobs there is out there.
And it is great that you are starting to plan for your future now.
Good Luck =)