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What’s your worst teaching stress dream?

I’ve heard that every teacher starts to have a ritual stress dream once summer vacation comes to an end and the new school year is ready to begin…I’m going into my second year of teaching middle school, so naturally my stress dream is that I walk into the classroom and I’m either not prepared to teach (like, no materials, sometimes no desks) or the classroom is completely unruly and any of my fancy class management tricks aren’t working at all! What’s yours?

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I always know when July 4th hits because it’s right about that time that I have my teaching nightmares. Lack of preparation is the big one. The walls aren’t decorated, the copies aren’t made, and I don’t even know what I’m teaching.

I’ve developed coping mechanisms. For example, in late July I have what I call my annual “Oh Sh!t! Day.” On that day, I go in and think of all that needs to be done before the first day of school and give in to a little bit of panic. I then deal with the panic by creating a checklist that helps me coordinate what needs to be done over the next few weeks. This year it’s this Thursday.

Honestly though, just the thought of what still needs to be done makes me want to rush to my school now and put in some time in the classroom 🙂


My worst nightmares are happening this summer!

We are moving into a new building in August and will not be able to get into our classrooms until one week before the students arrive (that means we will have 2 non-meeting/development days to get the rooms ready). We do not know what furniture we will or will not have in our rooms. All of our materials are boxed up and ready for the move…but some of us will have to be on our old rooms for a week or so until the new building gets its occupancy permit. We don’t know which, if any, of our old furniture (the administration will determine if it looks “new” and if it can be moved) will be moved into the new building.

I have NO idea how I will set up the new room!


I was running around my school, trying to find my classroom in my bathing suit! I forgot where I was supposed to go! It was an awful dream!

I’ve been teaching for 14 years and I still get really nervous right before school starts!


I have a new position as a reading specialist, so I do not have a typical schedule like I am used to. I am having the same kind of dreams! Unprepared, unruly kids, and crying int he middle of the class, and even going back to my last position begging on my hands and knees to give me back my simple job!

My dream before school started again was always that I lost control of the classroom. Same as yours.

Mine is that i will go in all prepared and geared up to teach and the student already knows it all and they are not impressed with what i am trying to tell them and no matter what i say they ignore me.

Also they then get up and start telling me what i was supposed to teach them.

I think thats my worst.


Going into the class unprepared.sometimes i have this dream and i wake up and jump of the bed and go and check my plan book

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