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Rico C

what’s the highest IQ on record? who does it belong to?

what’s the highest IQ on record? who does it belong to?

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The highest I.Q. on record is that of William Sidis, who scored 200+ to Marilyn’s 186. His estimated I.Q. is between 250 and 300.

There is no accurate record of high I.Q. scores. I.Q. tests are not designed to measure the highest I.Q.s. They are designed to measure differences in I.Q. among the general population. I.Q. tests have ceilings on subsections and the brightest test takers hit several of these ceilings and therefore have I.Q. scores stated as 140+.

Let’s say an I.Q. test has 100 questions, 10 per section. A genius might get eight sections completely correct. This makes her/his intelligence unmeasurable as it is undetermined how many more advanced questions the test taker could answer correctly. In fact, an even brighter person could come along and score lower because he/she might get only six sections completely correct, but could have answered many more complex questions that the first test taker had he/she had the opportunity. There are simply not enough difficult questions on an I.Q. test to measure high IQs.

Marilyn Vos Savant took two I.Q. tests. The first one, taken as a child, provided I.Q. scores from 160-230 depending on who was calculating the score.

As an adult, she then took the Mega test which is not a standardized I.Q. test. It was written simply to compare scores among the brightest. Marilyn’s raw score was 46 out of 48. She was given a score of 186, a percentile of 99.999997, and a rarity of 1 in 30,000,000 (Hoeflin 1989).

The problem with the Mega test is that the adults who take the test are very focused on their intelligence and are aware of I.Q. measurement questions. People could practice for this test and land higher scores than warranted. There is no testing company that maintains any kind of control over the distribution of this test. Many high IQ organizations have tests like this available on the Internet. Additionally, it may measure only a few types of intelligence, providing scores that are artificially low or high based on whether the test taker possesses intelligence in the areas measured.

Another problem with IQ tests is that they are recent creations. They haven’t existed throughout the time period of known geniuses such as Plato and da Vinci etc.

I’ve listed a few absolutely fascinating links below. There is a list estimated measures of IQ for past geniuses based on their available work. One link details the life of William Sidis who is a unique individual. Also, there are descriptions of child prodigies. These individuals may be savants. They may have extreme ability in one area but not in any others and therefore may not measure high on a standardized IQ test.


Kevin Y
Fifty gave an pretty good account of IQ testing history. I just wanted to add one point to this: IQ scores become less stable the farther away from the mean (100) you get. This is due (sort of) to a statistical phenomenon known as regression to the mean, which is a product of luck or error in the test. Since most people (68%) score between an 85 and a 115, most of the questions on the test tend to be aimed around that level. Miss one or two of these questions, it won’t effect your score much, if you are in the 100 range to begin with. However, once we start getting up into the 135 to 150 range, the difference between a score of 145 and a score of 150 might be one or two questions answered correctly. In other words, if you took the test again, you would probably miss one or two more questions than you did the first time (since you got nearly all of them right the first time), and this would lower your score dramatically.

To answer the question, in terms of accepted, standardized, normed IQ tests: 155, achieved by a lot of people over the ages. IQ tests are just not designed to go over 160 and still be reliable.


Although everyone thinks it’s Steven Hawking with an IQ or slightly over 200, it’s actually Marilyn vos Savant with and IQ of 228.

Please be sure to note however, that results can very from test to test and from day to day.

There is no set way to measure intelligence as there are too many aspects to take into account (memory, problem-solving, etc), so don’t put too much faith in your IQ rating. You could easily score 140 on an IQ test and still seem dumber than the dog next door.


jim bo
. You should learn to ‘Google’ these ez questions.

Marilyn_vos_Savant supposedly had the highest but the test was done wrong.

“…Vos Savant was listed in the 1986 to 1989 editions of the Guinness Book of World Records under “Highest IQ.” Subsequent editions do not include this category, and her column now reports that she is listed in the Guinness Hall of Fame. ”

Consequently, vos Savant’s Stanford-Binet ratio IQ of 228 corresponds to a deviation IQ of 188.”

Einstein was around 170. .


Crispy (Chris P)
Its Marilyn vos Savant who is an American magazine columnist, author, lecturer and playwright. There is some confusion over the actual score due to different data collected, his scores are around:

167+, 186, 218, 228, and 230


Mine….lol…j/k. Who know’s. Research it……..

Good luck…oh and have fun~!


stephen hawking?

google it

Dnt know

i dont know

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