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What’s all this I hear about sax and violins on TV?

I love to watch music on TV – what’s wrong with it? I remember that lovely Lawrence Welk fellow, with that one-a, two-a.

How can a jazz band play without a sax, or an orchestra without violins? That’s just silly.

And that gal country group that got into trouble – you know, the Pixy Sticks? – how could they play without their violins?

I think we need MORE sax and violins on TV! Bring back Ed Sullivan!

Have a nice day!

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And what’s all this I hear about “endangered feces”??? Who wants to save that stuff anyway?

And “frog waste and abuse” in government. Why does the government have frogs and why would they abuse them?

Oh, I didn’t answer your question… nevermind. 🙂


Magic One
The question of the proper representation of sax and violins in the movies and on television has been a controversy since the advent of these mediums. What it is about movies and television that raises a problem with sax and violins is a perplexing question since their use in night clubs and theatres had long been a tradition in the US before the advent of movies and later television.

Is it a matter of heightened public awareness of sax and violins? Is it that sax and violins have changed in some fundamental way? Are sax and violins less enjoyable than they used to be? Perhaps people are abusing sax and violins.

This issue seems to have become tightly aligned with the issue of odd serenity on radio. Why people would worry about serenity is beyond me, but certain people seem to be worried about the occurrence of what they call odd serenity on radio. The FCC is even instituting large fines for people who engage in odd serenity or things that are oddly serene.

Will these issues be settled in our life time? Who can tell? They war in the Middle East has lasted my entire life time so far, why not these questions?


4 years ago
nicely if Larry is physically powerful. I heard that they do no longer safeguard them and placed them in a backroom and in no thank you to challenge out back till they die…they in simple terms have not got time for them or money to feed them the two..=)


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