What qualifications do you need to work in a children’s day care center?
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These are the Classes you will need to take but other colleges the titles are named different.
Intro to Child Development
Early Child Development
The Preschool Child
Communication in the Preschool
First Aid and CPR (A must)
Developmental Psychology
Home-Child-community Relations
Child Abuse Education
Infant Development
Health and safety for Children
Guidance and Discipline
Just to let you know that with 3 to 6 units you can be a Teachers Aid and 12 or more units You can be a qualified Teacher.
You also will need a degree.
When you are out of High School make sure you are signed up in some Child Development classes because thats what they will look for now. When Licensing goes in then they will look for that and if you don’t have the experience and the units it makes it harder to get a job in that field.
I was a Director at a school and that’s how I know what they look for.
Many centers will also hire college students who are taking classes in early childhood or early education related fields. Colleges generally require hands-on experience, so centers will work with colleges in giving the students that chance. In getting my degree in Elementary Education, I was allowed to work as a teacher at a licensed day care, fully in charge of my own group of children.
If you want to be a teacher or a director, though, you do usually have to have a degree in a related field. I imagine the requirements vary from state to state, so you may need to google your state requirements or call around.
Best of luck!