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What part of California University would be best for me.?

Okay, Im a straight white 19yo, Im trying to find a college in CA to transfer to.

I have an Associates in Accounting with Terrific marks (Deans List) from a Private Accredited University in North Carolina. I would Like to earn a Bachelors and someday a Masters in Accounting.

1. Not in San-Fran…. Just no.

2. Needs to have hot women

3. Mostly White/Asian population (Im just not attracted to Tan skin so I don’t really like black girls. No Offense)

4. Needs to have a good Men/Women Ratio.

5. I don’t care about weather

6. Good Tuition and housing, if housing is expensive then around an area where I could get a good deal on an apartment.

7. NO SPECIAL THINGS ABOUT THE CITY OR SCHOOL!! The last thing I want to happen is this.

Person:”Where do you go to school”

Me: Oh I go to ……

Person:”Oh you must be a ….”

(This is why Im leaving my current school, that and the lack of attractive women in NC.)

So, Any suggestions.

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You have some crazy requirements that make it really hard for any school to qualify.

I thought about UCLA, but housing would be too expensive for you and I doubt you could get in.

UC Davis comes the closest to fitting all your requirements I think.


UCSF is a good school but okay…a school in California w/o illegal immigrants? You’re not going to find that here! There are many schools available. The crème of the crop in diversity would be Southern California. The more North, a little less however, it’s California! The same reason you want to come here is why everyone is attracted to it! Your criteria seem to match more Southern state schools or Nebraska?!?! I don’t know but the California University system prides themselves on diversity therefore, this may not be the place for you.?

Try a private university. Santa Clara University or Stanford if you can get in.


Are you going to college to get educated? Or, going to college to find hott women? If you’re looking for hott women, with a good men:women ratio, little to zero gays accepted, then FLORIDA is your best bet…however, your requirements for a university in CA are a little high. Blacks are everywhere. You shound like a male chauvenist,…slightly racist may i inquire? Come to Florida. I welcome you.

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You are an arrogant moron! Stay where you are at! Attend REDNECK University!

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