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what other titles for “sicko” can i put in my essay?

well my homework is to do an essay abot SICKO the movie. the teacher told us to choose a title for the essay, but it doesn’t have to be the same as the movie.will u give some ideas, please???

Top 6 Answers
Becky N

Favorite Answer

“The Sickness of the American Health Care System”

Consider what the movie is about, and that you’re writing an essay *about* the movie. Do some brainstorming… what images, words, sounds, experiences did the movie bring to mind? Put the movie title in the middle of a piece of blank paper and start writing down anything that comes to mind. The best way to learn and get a spark of energy is to have these things come from your own head. I’m sure you can do it!

Your title should reflect the purpose of your paper. If you agree with Moore’s views you should use a serious title about healthcare. If your paper discredits Moore’s research methods then you should try to come up with a clever play on words. If this is for a film class and you are breaking down the movie technically you could use something like “Documentary?”.

you can always go to any word processing program, type in “sicko” and do a thesaurus on it. That’s what I always do. And if “sicko” isn’t recognized, do another word like the first reply did such as lunatic or mental and do the thesaurus on that!

“America’s Health Care Secrets”

“The Truth of America’s Health Care”

“The Missing Part of America’s Health Care”


“The Lunatic”

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