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What nursing schools do u recommend that has quality ed for a low or tight budget?

Is schools like STI or AMA that has BS Nursing worth it? I’m looking for a school where there is quality that if i learn and study hard i can pass the nursing board exam.

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I don’t know where you live, but Ohio University has an amazing nursing program and it’s affordable. The work is going to be hard though, lots of chemistry, biology, anatomy, etc… Good luck!

If you are industrious in your studies, you will not lose your money or waste your time in any school.

Actually, if you really are committed to study hard and be religiously doing all the homeworks and assignments you have a good chance of passing any state board as long as the school that you take is one of the approved schools for BS Nursing. That means, you will be allowed to take the board exam. Any approved school will have approved curriculum for the board exam and you have the chance to pass the board exam. It is not really or solely dependent in the schools. It’s more on the students.

Then, you can also take a review course to familiarize yourself for the type of questions being asked in the board exam.

Follow your committment and you’ll pass the board exam provided you take a review course before taking the board, it’s important. Good luck.


結縁 Heemei
No, it’s not worth it, you get paid the same unless you want to persue your masters. Look into Kaplan, it’s very easy actually, I passed with the first 70 questions. You can really pick out a pattern, if you do at least 3 Nuclex study guides.

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