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What kind of High School classes are good to take to get into a good medical school?

What kind of High School classes are good to take to get into a good medical school?

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Anatomy and Physiology

Medical Terminology


Introduction to Medical Science

Sports Medicine


Classes in your Health and science department that seem interesting to you and have the path to go into the medical field.


Medical Schools don’t give a rat’s *** about what classes you took in high school. They are ALL about your undergraduate school, the grades you got in undergraduate, your college recommendations, your MCAT score, etc.

Besides AP Biology and AP Chemistry (which are obvious classes to take in High School on the pre-med track–and that doesn’t even matter at all), Med School could care less what you studied when you were less than 17 years old.


Most high school classes are basically the same and you don’t have a whole lot of options. You’ll take biology and chemistry because those are required basic sciences and if your school offers it take anatomy too and AP science or maths that they offer. But it doesn’t matter that much what classes you take.

Private schools still want 2 years of a foreign language

1 year of Biology

Math oriented Chemistry

4 years of Math including Trig or Pre Calc or Calc

Economics and Statistics can help also


If you are able to, take Latin. A lot of terminology in the medical field is in Latin. Also I think Biology and Human Anatomy and Physiology might help. If you are going for a Ph.D. study psychology and sociology.

well if you want to be a nurse or doctor then you shouldnt take the classes til you end up going to college first cause medical school are very hard to take and plus you gotta be so smarter to be able riskin youre life and studying very harder to pass the medical skills in those classes. plus high school doesnt got that kind of classes just only colleges ? how do i know that cause i had passed my high school and finished it now im in college and studying to be a nurse so i can taking care of sick and injury people who does need some needed and help . it not easiler taking the classes . you gotta pass the medical school for 4-6 years more to be already to be a real nurse or doctor. plus if you like animals such as beingin a veterinarinan you have do have youre own buinesse to be one to do that kind of job also . that not easlier job you gotta be little smart to pass the classes . if youre going be in hgh school you should pick the clases you do need to take first such as math, english, langauge, reading, writing, etc whatever you want to take to have fun and studying hard before you do dedicate what you really want to do after high school . because medical school isnt really easlier to become you have do have the skills such as good writting , reading, speech, etc.. not everyone else willin be passed the medical school . some ppl will get fail not to pass everything they had learn about beigin a doctor or nurse. but if you want to be a siences that does takecare of medicans / studying about how to takecare of sick people and children and animals , or planets to find out about how to get the right cures to heal their healths such as cancers then that you can take when youre in high school .

Advanced science classes. Do as many AP courses as you can and take the tests. If you get 3 or higher on the AP test you get 3 hours of college credit.

You will want as many science courses as possible, especially anatomy and biology.


Human anatomy and physiology, biology, advanced maths like trigonometry or even AP calculus, chemistry would be helpful too.

take alot of science classes ( chemistry , biology , anatomy , advanced chemistry and biology .) take Latin

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