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What is your opinion?

What do you think about french teachers who works 18 hours a week and who have 16 weeks of holidays?

I m french And i would have the opinion of american people and if it’s possible of american teachers.

I apology for my english.

Top 3 Answers

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If an American teacher were working 18 hours a week, that would be considered a bit less than part-time. The pay would be around half of what a full-time teacher would make.

I get to school at 7:00 A.M. and work until around 4:30 P.M. five days a week. Some days are later. Then I take home around one and a half to two hours of grading each evening. On the weekends, I grade papers, and write my lesson plans for the next week. That’s what it takes for me to do my job so that I am satisfied.

My school district requires full-time teachers to be in the school building 7 and one-half hours a day, 5 days a week, which is 37 and a half hours. We get around one to two weeks off for winter break and one week off for spring break. Summer break is about 10 weeks.


I am not a teacher, but I think you have a job with pretty good benefits. Most teachers here put in a lot of time on their own before and after school. They will grade papers at home, or stay late to help with homework etc. The teachers here, for the most part, get about 12 weeks off during summer break. Although, there is always the exception to that when the school is a year round school.

Matt M
All I am going to say in American terms and it is well documented work 40 hours + a week. You get summer and winter vacation. I would say you need to double what you are saying u are working currently.

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