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What is your I.Q? 10 points for best answer?

What is your I.Q? 10 points for best answer?

Top 10 Answers
Edward B

Favorite Answer

That depends upon whether, or not I am wearing my glasses.


maria t
How can so many moron’s have IQs above 120????

I am amazed at reading all these dumb answers to this one.

The IQ is measured by taking various tests and comparing the results to average results and scoring. The current standard for measuring IQ is the WISC Wechsler Intellegence Scale for Children. It measure verbal and non verbal (performance) IQ. The test includes: Verbal skills – memory, logical reasoning, mathematical reasoning, vocabulary, comprehension of social information. Performance – picture completion, visual spacial/ puzzles, block design, coding/fine motor measurement,short term memory. These tests are then scored with around 100 being average, 130 being gifted, 50 is considered mentally retarded.


Dr. Mike
To Sal above, your IQ really shouldn’t be that much different from what your IQ will be in ten years. The IQ test measures intelligence not how much you know. The questions are not hard, anyone can do them it just calculates how fast and accurate you are. So there should not be an age range for this question.

But i agree it is a bogus question IQ’s vary from test to test and there really isn’t a best answer.

On one test 139 on another 147.


Jake K
When I first awake it has to be way low to medium high,

my IQ.

After the first cup of java it races to the door and springs to the roof,

my IQ

As I drive to work, over hills, dells, dead possums and through traffic jams, it sinks to 60 or so,

my IQ

All through the day and until quiting time, it leaves a ringing in my ear,

my IQ

Not once not even close does it go to 100 or more, which is normal for

my IQ


Last test 148 but this means nothing, it does not tell anyone that I have any commonsense or that I can relate to anyone in a working environment. It just says I can work out fairly complex questions. Some people with relatively high IQ’s cannot hold down decent jobs, they can add up, they can do quizzes but they cannot relate to people.

I think my I.Q. is about 140. Im not some super genius but im not an idiot. Im okay with my I.Q.


Far more important, and significant–what is your W isdom Q uotient. Many narcissist sociopaths and outright psychopaths have “high” IQs–but we’d be better off with them “elsewhere”. Then, we could replace them as corporate CEOs and media moguls, etc. with humans, who actually care about their fellow humans.

Btw, mine’s 138. Higher than the Chimp in Chief’s, i’d wager :))))


I’m 14 with a 147 IQ

Depending upon the questions asked in the tests, mine runs from 120 to 151.

Not completely dependable in my opinion.


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