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What is your behavior management system? (Elementary)?

I am always looking for new methods to use in my classroom. Last year I used the heirarchy method (names on magnets that can move up or down, up gets a reward and down may receive a consequence) The year before I used the ticket system (red, yellow, green). I don’t really like the ticket one.

What do you use in your classroom? If you give any, What consequences and/or rewards do you give?

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I teach first grade. On the first day of school the students and I compose an “Essential Agreement” of behavior expectations (usually 4-5 simple rules), we all sign it. The kids self monitor their behavior via a card system where every child has a pocket containing 3 cards. They all start on Green (keep going). If there is an issue I remind the child of the Essential Agreement. If behavior continues, I let him/her know that a card will be moved to Yellow (be careful). If the behavior still continues the child moves to Red which means s/he stops whatever we are working on and writes a note home to parents/guardians telling of getting the Red card. This note needs to be signed and returned the next day. If after being on the Yellow card the behavior is squelched then the child goes back to green for the next activity.

I’ve used this system for several years with great success.

Good luck


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