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What is with PROLLY instead of Probably these days? hate it?

I am teed off by lazy spellers who’d rather spell a word the way the mispronounce it than the way it is properly pronounced and spelled. Prolly? come on people! I have seen this in no less than 5 answers on this forum this week. “you prolly just have to yadda yadda.”

Top 5 Answers
Jerry T

Favorite Answer

Prolly is just the tip of the iceberg. Texting will graphically change the written word. Kids will totally forget how to use their given language by repeatedly misspelling everything they say on a daily basis, to save time and space on their portable devices. it is sad but true.

“Prolly” kind of annoys me too… however, I did recently notice that “probably” is irritating to spell out on a text message because the B-A-B sequence is all on one key and you have to wait for it to set in there before pressing the other number. When I noticed that, I wondered if that was the explanation for how the whole “prolly” thing got started… although, people now use it everywhere, not just text messages.

Prolly is actually baby talk, but since it is shorter and easier to write than probably, it has caught on like thanx and plz.

Love Fist

I don’t hate it. It is just funny to see what age group is on here answering questions. mainly teenagers.


lol yeah i know yhis guy i know makes me so mad ill be like wat are u doing and he says im prolly going to the movies later but i dnt kno

it makes me mad


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