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What is what????

What is What????

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\ˈhwät, ˈhwət, ˈwät, ˈwət\




Middle English, from Old English hwæt, neuter of hwā who — more at who


before 12th century

1 a (1)—used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter (2)—often used to ask for repetition of an utterance or part of an utterance not properly heard or understood b (1)archaic : who 1 —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity of a person (2)—used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the character, nature, occupation, position, or role of a person c—used as an exclamation expressing surprise or excitement and frequently introducing a question d—used in expressions directing attention to a statement that the speaker is about to make e (1)—used at the end of a question to express inquiry about additional possibilities (2)—used with or at the end of a question usually in expectation of agreement fchiefly British —used at the end of an utterance as a form of tag question 2chiefly dialect : that 1, which 3, who 33 a: that which : the one or ones that —sometimes used in reference to a clause or phrase that is yet to come or is not yet complete b: the thing or things that 4 a: whatever 1a bobsolete : whoever

— what for

1: for what purpose or reason : why —usually used with the other words of a question between what and for except when used alone2: harsh treatment especially by blows or by a sharp reprimand

— what have you

: whatnot

— what if

1: what will or would be the result if2: what does it matter if

— what of

1: what is the situation with respect to2: what importance can be assigned to

— what’s more

: in addition : furthermore

— what’s what

: the true state of things

— what though

: what does it matter if


you’re what!

what (pron.) Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner? What did she say?

what (adj.) Which one or ones of several or many: What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.

what (adv.) How much; in what respect; how: What does it matter?



if you’re asking what is what i’ll tell you what is what…..what…….is what!!!


Red Lion

Wich is WIch ??????


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