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What is the greatest robbery in American History?

Name what it was?

When and where it took place?

Who were the robbers? (yes the names are quite well known)

Who were the victims? (once again, well known)

What type of affect did it have on America?

Best answer goes to first person with at least 3 correct answers

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The bush nazi crime family and its “colleagues” are robbing the country blind via halliburton no bid contract arrangements and the like in every area of “endeavor”–extremely obvious.

Less obvious is the trillions in gold bullion stolen from the underground storage under the world trade center buildings, concidentally removed just prior to the buildings’ collapse. Think not? Do some research :))

I always wonder what already morbidly obese psychopaths will do with the extra billions–more food? Not a good idea. More “stuff” wtf? How about investing in some counseling, you pathetic pri**s, and getting a clue.

Nothing worse than a world run by people with moderately high IQs, but no class, empathy, consciousness, wisdom, conscience, taste, or maturity, eh? :))


The Boston Tea Party

A group of indignant colonists, led by Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and others, disguised themselves as Native Americans, boarded the ships on the night of Dec. 16, 1773, and threw the tea into the harbor.

The Victims were the East Indian trading Co (and the British empire)

It was another step towards the Revolution


Answer: What is, The American Government Robbing The Native Americans of their rightful land and resources.

The presidential election of 2000.


The Republican party and its minions.

The American people.

Gave us a pinheaded president, and an endless war in Iraq.


1. The Robbery of my virginity: {

2. The alley behind my house

3. Some black guy(s)

4. Me

5. I figured “now that my virginity is gone why not fuc,k Bill Clinton?” and that got him into trouble }


i DON”T know, ok? stop forcing me to answer!!!! :*-( i looked on google but it was mean to me!!! :*-(

I dont know, i am sorry.

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