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what is the first day of highschool for a freshman really like??

what is the first day of highschool for a freshman really like??

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The first day is the easiest day in school. You meet teachers, get assignments and check out the other girls or boys.

Wrong! You’ll be dressed wrong, your hair will be wrong, your smile will be wrong, your walk will be wrong. Your binder, backpack, notebook, locker “flair”, likes, dislikes, parents, pets, acne cream, music, favorite ANYTHING will all be wrong. You’ll make the wrong new friends, you’ll take the wrong classes. You’ll say all the wrong things to all the wrong people. PE class will just be a living hell, so deal with it.

Even most of your old friends from your old school will eventually drift off to new “cliques”. You’ll end up in the marching band, chess club, glee club, or worse (year book committee!). If you try to act cool, you’ll look like a dork. If you just let dorkiness ride, you’re be forever lumped into that final group where only the grossly fat, ugly, pimply, nerdy uberdweebs find peace, but hey, they seem to have the most fun. The first teacher you befriend will have an inner geek, spaz, nerd, or mild retardation that will come out and associate with you.

Someone will point out (in a crowd, of course) that your fly is open, your socks don’t match, you ripped the crotch of your pants, there is an enormous booger barely hanging in your nose, that smell that permeates the classroom is sourced from something that you stepped in.

You did the wrong thing over the summer, will do the wrong thing in the upcoming weekend, have the wrong Halloween costume, go to the wrong part of the country during Christmas break, and you will not learn to keep your mouth shut until Spring break.

If you’re a girl, prepare to have your heart broken 3 or 4 times. If your a boy, girls will be out of the question (until next year where you desperately prey on the naive freshmen girls, and break their hearts.

Am I still bitter about my highschool days? Oh, maybe a tad. But who wasn’t. I mean, why did only 12 out of 255 people show up for the 20 year reunion?


No worse then going to middle school for the first time =)

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