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What is the EMT-Basic job like? What was the training like?

What is the EMT-Basic job like? What was the training like?

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I just finished my EMT-B basic course last week and I felt like I gained a lot from the class. The training was pretty intense – at least for me. It was nothing like what I expected. I thought the class was going to be really easy but it wasn’t. The hardest part for me was doing the practical assessments. That’s where you have to do hands on assessments on a patient or manikin and someone tests you. It sounds easy but its really not because you have to go through a list of detailed steps and it can be pretty stressful. As far as the job goes, from what I have been told, EMT-B’s spend most of their time transfering patients from one hospital to another, or going on silly runs. For example, I have had many EMT’s tell me that they get calls all the time for “little old ladies” that are lonely or need a ride to the doctors office. They will call and say they are not feeling well in order to have an EMS vehicle dispatched to them. Keep in mind that after you take an EMT-B course and get certified you have to take the National Registry Exam in order to get licensed. You have to be licensed to work in most states. If I were you I would go for it because you learn a lot of useful information that you can use anytime and anywhere if something happens to you or someone around you. Plus, there is always a demand for EMT’s. I personally don’t plan to make a career out of being an EMT; I am basically just doing it to get through school. Let me know if you have any questions!

5 years ago
i am a former medic in the army, which requires emt basic certification. attend a cpr certification course. they usually last about a week and there are places where you can attend for free (community centers, etc). also get the textbook and read ahead. maybe you can participate in a ride-along program with an ambulance crew. good luck.

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