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What is the easiest way to satisfy my college language requirement?

I want to know of the easiest way to go about getting my language requirement out of the way.

Options are:

– taking a Language 1 & Language 2

– CLEPing out (College Level Examination Program)

– Studying Abroad

I am trying to decide between the three. If I take the actual classes, I might take Spanish. I figure that might be the easiest language to learn – unless someone else knows of an easier language to learn? I don’t know how easy or hard the CLEP might be for Spanish. And I might be graduating at the end of next year’s Spring term, so I don’t know if I would have time (or money) for Studying Abroad anymore.

If you guys have any experience with these, please let me know. Whether it’s with Spanish or another language, please share your knowledge.

Thank you.

[Only serious responses please. Thanks.]

Top 2 Answers

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Should have taken it in high school, much easier there.

Most American public college have dropped the language requirements only the Private and Ivy League schools still require it and they accept 4 years of high school Spanish or French or German.


5 years ago
Yes three years of Spanish will seem greater than a blend of Spanish and German, however it’s particularly not going that any tuition will positioned so much bearing in that by myself. If your grades/SAT/extras are all well I would not fear approximately that in any respect. If it makes you believe greater I struggled in Spanish two additionally, however honestly observed Spanish three to be less difficult (specific content material).

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