what is the caracteristies of a successful teacher?
Favorite Answer
I think a good teacher plans schemes of work carefully so that lessons are interesting, relevant and fun. I try to make students laugh and enjoy my lessons.
I also think that a good teacher makes students feel safe. Although I want the students to enjoy the lessons I make sure that no student is made fun of or made to feel threatened. I achieve this by having very clear boundaries.
2. Must be patient
3. Must understand that not every child learns the same way. It doesn’t mean one is necessarily slower than the next, it’s just that some kids are visual learners while others are verbal (you tell them something they get it).
4. Understand somekids like to be praised for their efforts (verbal good job, pat on the back), while others like to be rewarded (sticker star).
5. Never tell the student what he did wrong; tell him how to do it right. There is a difference. The former is negative reinforcement, the latter is positive. It makes a huge difference in their self esteem and how they perceive their own success.
Good luck!