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shreya b

what is genomics? can i move into hard core genetics after doing a 1 yr course in genomics?

what is genomics? can i move into hard core genetics after doing a 1 yr course in genomics?

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Genomics is the study of an organism entire genome. So, when you study genomics, you are studying the DNA code, and all the mechanisms of genes.

I do not understand what you mean by ‘Hard core’ genetics. But after an introductory course, you would be able to move on to other courses with narrow scopes on the subject, or takes courses related to genomics, like proteomics.

I hope this gives you a little help in understanding. I would sugest either doing more reseach yourself, or ask an advisor, or professor, you have, on more courses you can take after the 1 year genomics course.

Good luck!


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