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what is difference between US & UK in terms of daily times and hours?

what is difference between US & UK in terms of daily times and hours?

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The World Clock – Time Zones

link below says it all.

Look up London 12:16am Fri.

Look up New York 7:16pm Thur.

Look up Los Angeles 4:16pm Thur.

London is 5 hours ahead of New York.

London is 8 hours ahead of Los Angeles.


Both countries keep summer time, but with slightly different start and end dates. Assuming that both are on either summer time or standard time; we have, starting from London, assuming that it is 6 PM there: New York, Eastern time, 1 PM; Chicago, Central time, noon; Denver, Mountain time, 11 AM; San Francisco, Pacific time, 10 AM.

Not sure I understand this.

Do you mean how the UK is on military time (24 hr clock) and the US isn’t? Like 11PM there 23:00 but here it’s 11pm?

They are, I believe, 5 hrs ahead of me here in NYC.

Nancala 🙂


calculate the time zones per gradient or time line

greenwich meantime is uk but not active as time for the uk.

us uses est or pst or mountain time as basis.

south america is another time zone again.


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