what is a good way to teach my 2 year old his alphabet, he is more of a hands on learner?
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You can draw the letters of the alphabet on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk, about as far apart as the size of your son’s steps. Then sing the alphabet song with him as he steps on each letter. Up through K, the rhythm will be fairly slow and even, but when you get to L M N O P, he will have to step faster. The varying tempo should hold his interest.
Or lay magnetic letters out in order on a cookie sheet, and have him touch each letter as it is sung. You can also spell out his name with the magnetic letters, and touch each letter as you sing it. He will want to try it himself. A child’s name has a kind of magical power as far as generating interest in letter activities. You could do that with the sidewalk chalk outdoors, too.
Another hands-on activity with letters can be done by placing colored aquarium sand in a thin layer in a metal pie plate, and tracing a letter with the finger to reveal the shiny surface. There are also many alphabet puzzles available, for when he gets to the age when he enjoys working puzzles.
CM is right about not hurrying a child. No activity is worth a hoot if he isn’t interested in it. At age two we are only working on familiarization with the alphabet. If he resists or it isn’t fun, wait a while. Readiness is everything.
Another big hint is print out the alphabet upper and lower case and hang them all over the house, then as you walk by ask your child if he knows what letter it is. You will be amazed at how quickly they pick it up. You can also add pictures to the letters. For instance add your picture to the letter that your name starts with, very important for children to know parents names.
And you can also press the music symbol and it sings the alphabet in a fun tune. My son dances to this still almost daily, nearly six months later.
It comes with the capital letters and numbers 1-10. You can buy the expansion pack with the lower case letters, my mother-in-law is buying the lower case for my sons 3rd birthday.
I’m telling you, go out to Walmart somewhere and buy it..it’s $20 or $30 but sooo worth it. And they don’t scratch up the fridge, and they’re big enough he wont put them in his mouth and choke.
Buy it. So worth it.
I use two methods of teaching the alphabet to my preschoolers ( Age 4-5) when they need a hands on approach. They are both inexpensive. The first method, get some of dad’s shaving cream and spray it on a service. Draw the letters in the shaving cream, then allow him to try and make them. This gives him the fun while learning. The second method is to use play-do to shape letters. Its another great hands on tool.
Just remember, it has to be fun for him to show an interest in. If you push him to early, it will only discourage his learning later. Good Luck. 🙂
you may buy cd of alphabet songs and play when you are free but make sure it has got some animation with bright colours have cartoons.