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what is a good topic for an informative speech? or where may i found one with an outline?

what is a good topic for an informative speech? or where may i found one with an outline?

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An informative paper can be on anything you want to “inform” people on/about.

Pick something you are interested in, that’ll make your life easyer instead of copying an outline.


^_^ been there, done that …

I’m serious, it could be on anything. Say you like to shop and eat organic, just inform people about organic farming or foods or whatever. You don’t need to make it convincing like an argumentative just inform them on what ORGANIC is.

You can do a step by step thing, if you like games. Inform/teach people how to play say a card game or something. Or just give the history of the card game.



John S
Pick something a bit more unusual such as a particular species of fish! talk about its life cycle, habitat, if it is good eating, describe its appearance and the family it comes from i.e. which type of fish under which biological heading.

All this from wikipedia and similar. Use an on screen/display/OHP picture to gain the crowds attention.

Even better, purchase some fillets, pre-cook and distribute whilst you give your talk. Stimulate several different senses at the same time.


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