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What is a good food/dessert to make for a demonstration speech?

that isnt too elaborate – must take betwen 4-6 minutes (the speech, i can bring in stuff already made)

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you could make a fruit, angel food, and yogurt trifle. you would need squares of angel food cake or pound cake…whichever you like, chopped up fruit of your choice…several types of berries would be nice, then a yogurt or pudding mixture. layer in a trifle bowl.

I use a fruit dip made out of pudding. You mix a box of pudding with only 1 cup of milk instead of two and whip into a tub of whipped cream. it makes a thick dip for fruit that is wonderful! I prefer vanilla if i use it for fruit…chocolate is good but can overwhelm. it’s a personal preference though.

anyway…now i’m hungry! good luck on your speech!


5 years ago
What is important is not what you demonstrate, it is how you do it. In other words, they have given you specific guidelines that need to be incorporated into your speech, like your ethos to the subject, your degree of expertise, etc. I got an “A” by showing everyone how to teach a rock to roll over. It was really stupid, but I added lots of theatrics and followed all the guidelines of the assignment and had the teacher rolling by the end. I don’t recommend you do that, but here’s the deal….. Find something you are good at, let’s say it’s changing the peddles on a bicycle. Get a nice display thingey that you can use to demonstrate with to the class. Teachers love nice demo stuff. Use your mom and dad’s printer to print out a sheet that you can pass out ralating to the subject. Explain how you learned how to do this thing, and be honest, it is not important that you are good at it, it is important that you explain your relationship to it accurately. Also, before you really get rolling, make sure you preface what you are going to do. In other words, Before the demo part, tell them everything you are going to do before you do it. Your teacher will recognize that you are doing that and give you higher marks for it. Then demonstrate. Is there something you are good at that you could demonstrate well? That is what you should do, and follow the guidelines, that’s it! Even if it’s as simple as asking a question on Yahoo answers!

Red,Blue,and some places have orange corn chips all natural mix in baskets lined with color napkins.They are not greasy. I love them personally. Then take 4 or 5 avacodos two heaping spoon fulls of sourcream ,1 small can of diced tomatoes ,1heaping teaspon of garlic ,I cheat buy they already diced kind in jar, salt ,pepper to taste, one med onion diced fine, smash with potato smasher any how mix so no big lumps of avacado do not blend to liquid (awsome guacamole) chill at one hour before oh make sure you drain tomatoes real well no juice. 4 to 6 people. you can also have cold plate sliced deli meats, cheeses, crossants ,mayo mustard ,sliced onion ,tomato ,olive and pickle tray.double guac.if more people.Pretzels and chips with cold plate good luck

hey hey hey i’m wus happenin
something that everyone likes to eat is snacks dipped in chocolate.

Put a glass bowl over a pot of simmering water, NOT BOILING. Pour about 12 oz. of your favorite chocolate or chocolate morsels in the bowl, and let it melt. Add about 1 Tbsp. of whole milk, and 1 Tbsp. of butter, to help it stay creamy.

In the meanwhile line up different types of snacks, like sliced fruit, pretzels, marshmellows, etc. and just dip half of it, in the chocolate, place it a baking sheet with wax paper, and leave it in the fridge over night.

**if you’re using fruit, squeeze a bit of lemon juice over each slice, so it won’t brown and rot**

i know it sounds kind of hard, and a lot of steps, but its acutally reallyyyyy simple, and fun. so good luck!


To do in front of the aduiance pudding is a good choice.But if you can bring in somthing already made then do what ever you like to eat!

crepes, make the batter and the filling ahead of time

bring IN a crepe pan (electric), demonstrate how it’s done


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