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Luke L

What income do college graduates really think they will get!?

When I left college I thought that I would make 30k, then found out that I wouldnt.

So what do people think they will get, are they looking at 50k, 100k, what about the high paying 250k a year jobs.

Top 10 Answers

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depends on if you get a BA, a masters, a doctorate or whatnot. It also depends what field you study. I’m going to law school next year, so I won’t be making much for a few years. But as soon as I’m done I, hopefully, will be making good money. My fiance also plans on making good money, as he is studying aeronautical engineering, where average starting pay is over 70,000…so i guess it all depends. I don’t think money should be that big a deal though.

David F
I knew my BA in sociology wasn’t going to bring in the big bucks, but I didn’t know that I was going to be making less than I was before I had it. I want to work with children and have found myself a job working at a group home where they pay me $1.50/hr more than the other folks due to my degree. I am still making only 9.50/hr. It is also very hard to get into social work or anything in this field without experience. The truth is that experience carries alot more weight than a degree does. I now find myself going to get my masters because this degree just wont pay the bills as I had hoped. If money is your main concern I would research which degrees average the highest earned income after graduation and pick one that interest you out of those ones. Good luck.

5 years ago
Well, if you throw in Bill Gates, Rush Limbaugh, and a few very well paid baseball players, I’d say the college grads could be running a close second.

As long as you have the right amount of education at a well school…and the right amount of internship the money is unlimited!!

It’s discriminating to get paid less just because your the new kid on the block!!!


The sad reality is, that a Plumber makes more money then a Physician.

sonja z
well like for me im in accounting and i have lots of experience but if i had my bachelors at least i could get paid about 60k to 120 k so i am starting school september

Jimmy the Cricket
Not today… most college grads that I talked to… they are looking at $35k+ to start…

unless they’re in specialized sector, such as healthcare, engineering, and so…


It really depends what field, what region, and who you know.

The post graduate degrees is where the money’s at…


Mr. G
I guess it depends if your degree is in biochemical engineering or philosophy.

check this link its good



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