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What grade level is she in now? ♥?

This girl who I liked and she liked me back was back when I was in the summer after 8th grade.

At the time she was in her summer of 10th grade.

Now im in my summer of tenth grade, what grade is she in, or is she graduated?


Top 3 Answers

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Well, the math is pretty simple——-it’s two years later, so, unless she ran into some problems and had to repeat a year for some reason, she would now be in the summer following her high school graduation.

Insha Allah swt she is in the 12th grade, which means that she must have graduated….

How are you brother?

Haletun chetoreh? zendagi-ye to chetor ast? man khoobam….How is the farsi?


In Flames I Lay Dying
Well, the math is pretty simple——-it’s two years later, so, unless she ran into some problems and had to repeat a year for some reason, she would now be in the summer following her high school graduation.

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