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What good professions are out there?

I know three:

1) Biomedical Engineer

2) Doctor

3) Computer Engineer.

I want more good fields. Thank you.

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50 Best Jobs In America:

The Best Jobs To Have In 2006:

Top Jobs 2006:

20 Great Jobs That Don’t Require A Degree:


Looks like you are shopping for the highest paying professions. You should have a better idea of what career you want to follow first. What are you good at. Does math come easy? do you enjoy difficult challenges,? are you meticulous and organized? Basically, are you mentally and intellectually fit for these professions? If you have to strain at higher math and chemistry you certainly don’t want to be in any of the careers you have already mentioned.

Now, if you are a round peg in a round hole and you want to be an engineer, what about the food profession or agricultural profession. These would dealing with the chemical makeup of different foods and maybe coming up with a new strain of corn or wheat, or soy beans. How about the paper industry, heavy in chemistry, you would be working on coming up with specific types of paper to solve specific problems. Probably the future in medicine will be dealing with nanobots which are microscopic robots designed to be placed in the human body to take pictures or deposit medications, wow, one can only imagine the uses they could be put to.


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