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deepak j

what factors are important for development of one’s personality?

what factors are important for development of one’s personality?

Top 3 Answers
henry d

Favorite Answer

Much as is said about nurture vs culture in shaping personality, I think an individual per se shapes much of his or her personality.

Some people can be born with few advantages in a ghetto and turn into dynamic leaders, for example. A person with lesser gifts could be a very valuable person, just being warm and friendly–a peacemaker and morale builder.

Intelligence shapes us a great deal, of course, but not as much as we like to think. Internal fortitude can be learned, but it takes another person who inspires and teaches this attitude to imbue this into someone.

Parents, friends, teachers–all have an influence on the development of a person, but in the stage when personality starts emerging, it is the peer group that has the most sway.

We don’t start as blank slates. Even how our mothers feel toward us when we are in the womb can affect us. But I have my doubts that traits are inheritable. I have never heard of genes for disposition to anger, or melancholy. We can talk about astrology and how these mysterious rays from planets shape us–what nonsense.

Society, environment, family–yes, they help shape us, but we still have our own centers or souls if you wish.

Hope this conglomeration helps.


5 years ago
the most important factor is the knowledge that you can assemble any personality you wish. remember; you’re a reality as an identity and you assemble a personality which you put on like a costume and bring to life, so to speak, for those purposes which are currently yours. when your purposes change, your personality changes, but for most people this is an unconscious process. the zodiac, for instance, is basically meaningless in the way it’s understood and used, but it does represent a bank of characteristics or traits from which you can draw from and assemble an operating personality. there are many banks to draw from, and hopefully you gain wisdom with practice and assemble a personality that most closely resembles the real you as an idenity. first, you’ll have to discover who you really are. —–it’s not a matter of worrying, and the outside rises from the inside, but to the inner self, the outer self and personality are important. the inner self is trying to enlighten the outer self so that the outer self assembles its self in as close resemblance to the innermost self as possible; the reason for this is: the inside is trying to come outside, and the only way it can do that is if the outer self assembles a variation of self that is as flexible and expansive as possible; the inner self is a giant trying to step into the skin of the outer self so that it can unite with the outer self, and also, so it can experience the physical experience first hand. isn’t it ironic that the outer self wants to experience the inner self’s reality, and the inner self wants to experience the outer self’s reality. I suggest they become one unit and walk with a foot in both worlds, but that just me.

Bart S
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