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What does this chart mean?,%20Law%20Enforcement,%20and%20Security&yearsofexp=&geo=Stockton,%20CA%2095209&zipcode=95209

how do i know which one is the starting pay? What does Percentile 10th, 25th, 75th, 90th?

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Starting pay depends on your employer. The numbers here are just a rough estimate.

Percentiles mean: 10% of the population make below $21, 101; 25% of the population make below $30k; 75% of the population make below $50k and 90% of the population make below $59k (therefore, 10% make above $59k).


4 years ago
It does not recommend something. there isn’t any such element as ‘off the charts’ in IQ scoring. it somewhat is totally rapidly-forward, scored on a Gaussian distribution. the common scores is one hundred, with a classic deviation of 15, so sixty 8% of the inhabitants scores between eighty 5 and one hundred fifteen, 14% between 116 and one hundred thirty, 2% between 131 and a hundred forty five, 0.a million% between a hundred forty five and a hundred and sixty, and extremely few above that. the utmost recorded IQ score is 220, and that replaced into recorded. there isn’t any ‘off the charts’. a actual psychologist can score all and sundry.

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