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what does sympathetic mean?

what does sympathetic mean?

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A less complicated meaning 🙂

Here is the definition for – feeling or showing sympathy: showing favor, agreement, or approval- provoking sympathy: provoking sympathy, interest, or compassion- suited: agreeably suited to somebody’s tastes or mood- produced by other sounds: describes….


4 years ago
Sympathetic Definition

1. feeling or showing sympathy: showing, having, or resulting from shared feelings, pity, or compassion

2. approving: showing favor, agreement, or approval

3. provoking sympathy: provoking sympathy, interest, or compassion

4. suited: agreeably suited to somebody’s tastes or mood

5. acoustics produced by other sounds: used to describe vibrations such as musical tones that are produced in something as a result of similar vibrations at the same frequency from something else

6. anatomy of sympathetic nervous system: relating or belonging to the sympathetic nervous system or one of its components


5 years ago
It means you can imagine how someone is feeling in a particular situation. Empathy, means that You Know how what someone is feeling because you’ve experience a similar situation or exact situation. You can sympathize how a person losing a beloved pet may feel. but you can only empathize, or be empathetic, if you’ve actually lost a beloved pet.

The word sympathetic means different things in different contexts.

* In neurology, the sympathetic nervous system is a part of the autonomic nervous system.

* In music theory, sympathetic strings are strings on a musical instrument that resonate on their own.

* In psychology, sympathy is a feeling of compassion or identification with another.

* In religion, metaphysics, medicine, sympathy is the belief that like affects like, that something can be influenced through its relationship with another thing.


Sympathetic means to express or show sympathy. and to show sympathy means to put your self in someone,s shoes or to show pity and sorrow for someones misfortune.

It means to sympathize with, feel like someone is feeling.

Shared feelings, in order to understand what a person is going through.


7 years ago
it means to feel something

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