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What does “Rise and Whine” mean?

I heard that phrase and didn’t understand it, Im new in this country so I just wanted to know what that means.

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It’s a takeoff on the phase ‘rise and shine’. It’s what Joanne said. Some people are cronic complainers, so it means as soon as they wake up they start whining about stuff.

4 years ago
“So what on the subject of the previous south perform a little people actual need to convey back while they say “The south will upward push back”.” you have thoroughly misconstrued the quote, it has no longer something to do with returning to a accomplice government. what it grow to be, grow to be a word utilized by “redemers” based on Jefferson Davis based on the oppressive radical republican government of the reconstruction era. his end state of the letter grow to be “the american newspapers have not at present inspired the wish of Seymour’s election, i’m no longer able to undergo to think approximately yet another 4 years of ‘Radical’ rule. Their crimes might probably bring about a poor reaction and their punishment may be extra comprehensive and hence extra useful to the oppressed South, if it have been possible to attend see you later and yet have existence to upward push back. Mrs. Davis provides to you her kindest remembrance…i’m your chum, Jeff’n Davis.” from this the “redeemers” coined the word, “the south will upward push back.” implying it might what grow to be nessary and come out of oppressive northern rule by radical republican. it incredibly is the reason particularly some southern cities use the phoenix or hearth fowl as an emblem for it particularly is city like Atalanta because of the fact “the south will upward push up out of the ashes” all the slogans play off one yet another, yet “the south will upward push back,” is the main customary.

Ink Corporate
I think you mean, rise and shine which means to get up out of bed.

Get up and go to work.

*~ Joanne ~*
get up and start bitc*hing?

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