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What does “reciprocity” mean?

What does “reciprocity” mean?

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Are you familiar with the expression “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”? That’s reciprocity. You do something for someone and they will return the favor by doing the same thing for you (it works on many levels). It’s also why a driver’s license issued by one State is honored in all the other States.

Reciprocity basically has to meanings:

1. relationship involving mutual exchange: a relationship between people involving the exchange of goods, services, favors, or obligations, especially a mutual exchange of privileges between trading nations or recognition of licenses between states

For example: “The long-standing tariff reciprocity between our two countries”

2. reciprocal relationship or act: something done mutually or in return


Acknowledging someone else’s rules

Like my Florida concealed weapons permit is recognized in Georgia because of reciprocity laws, but NOT in New York.


A reciprocal condition or relationship.

A mutual or cooperative interchange of favors or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of trade between nations.


1.Reciprocity refers to in-kind positive or negative responses of individuals towards the actions of others.


2. The Expectation that somewhere down the road you will be repaid for an action you were responsible for.


5 years ago
What a wonderful question. Religion is, of course, the form that one’s worship takes. Thus there are thousands of forms. Religion includes a system of religious beliefs and practices. The object of the religion may be false gods or the true God. Hence, there is false religion and there is true. Religion can get very fancy or remain simple. In the former case, such as it is today. In the latter case, such as it was in the Garden of Eden. What then is worship to me? How do I worship? To worship means to obey. And to obey means to worship. The two are intimately connected; indeed, they are coterminous and cannot be separated. Specifically, to obey the Sovereign Lord God Jehovah of Armies is to worship Him. I do my imperfect best in this regard. I fall on my face and get back up to try and try again. In the Garden of Eden, so long as they obeyed Jehovah, Adam and Eve were worshiping him. No temple, no Mosaic Law, no meetings. Simply leave the tree of the knowledge of good and bad alone. Simple. The minute they disobeyed, they stopped worshiping Jehovah. Same with the nation of Israel. The minute they attempted to practice a syncretistic religion they stopped worshiping Jehovah. The minute they made the golden calf, they stopped. And on and on. To worship is to obey. To obey is to worship. Hannah J Paul

Recipricity is exchange of something between people or groups of people when each person or group alows something to the other.

Example: The protest went ahead despite government assurance that they would press for reprocity with Greece in the issuing of visas


It’s like the exchange of gifts. You give him a watch, he gives you a house…

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