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what does Mappable mean?

what does Mappable mean?

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Mappable is a form of the word map. Able is a suffix meaning having necessary power, skill, resources, or qualifications; qualified. Mappable means that a something is able to be mapped. You can map a park or a mall. Many things are mappable.

map·pa·ble, adjective

1.a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships according to some convention of representation: a map of Canada.

2. a maplike delineation, representation, or reflection of anything: The old man’s face is a map of time.

3. Mathematics. function (def. 4a).

4. Slang. the face: Wipe that smile off that ugly map of yours.

5. Genetics. genetic map.

–verb (used with object) 6. to represent or delineate on or as if on a map.

7. to sketch or plan (often fol. by out): to map out a new career.

—Idioms8. off the map, out of existence; into oblivion: Whole cities were wiped off the map.

9. put on the map, to bring into the public eye; make known, famous, or prominent: The discovery of gold put our town on the map.


only thing I know s mappable funtion, a funtion that can be activated by ataching it to an nput point and asserling that imput point

it means something is able to be mapped or looked up on a map

Able to be mapped.

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