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what does fed oasdi/ee means, i know its some kinda of taxes, can you tell me what kind it is thank you?

what does fed oasdi/ee means, i know its some kinda of taxes, can you tell me what kind it is thank you?

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Social Security is being deducted from your salary, that is the Federal Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance Emplyee Employment Tax (Fed OASDI/EE). Some times this is referred to as FICA or SS tax.

Medicare is also being deducted from your salary, that is the Federal Medicare Employee Employment Tax (Fed Med/EE).

The SS tax rate that each worker pays is 6.2%, and your employer pays the same. The Medicare tax rate we all pay is 1.45%, and again your employer pays the same. The total paid by you and your employer is 15.3%.

I can not speak about the California tax, but the OASDI is most likely a disability tax.


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