What does E=mc square mean?
What does E=mc square mean?
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In physics, mass–energy equivalence is the concept that all mass has an energy equivalence, and all energy has a mass equivalence. Special relativity expresses this relationship using the mass–energy equivalence formula
E = mc2
E = the energy equivalent to the mass (in joules),
m = mass (in kilograms), and
c = the speed of light in a vacuum (celeritas) (in metres per second).
Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. The speed of light squared is a large number. However, the equation can be written as E=MC.
It’s Einstein’s famous equation: E (The amount of enregy in an object) equals M (The object’s mass) Times C (The speed of Light) Squared (a number times itself)
In layman’s terms, it means the faster you go, the slower time around you goes. But, keep in mind, this is almost unmeasurable. In fact, one of Einstein’s experiments, involved two clocks, one that stayed at the same place in an airport, and one on a supersonic jet. The jet took off from the same airport, flew around the world, at I believe it reached a top speed of about 1000mph and when the plane landed there was a 1 nanosecond (1 BILLIONTH of a second) difference between the two. That is how minute it is.
The equation is miswritten. It expresses the concept that mass and energy can be converted into each other. Therefore, the equation should read:
(change in) Energy = (change in) mass times the square of the speed of light.
energy = mass x the speed of light squared
It’s a physics equation that Einstein developed. It’s about energy.
It’s the answer to some equation that Einstein did.
It can be explained here:
E is equal to mc2.
its einstein’s theory of relativity where he suggested that human beings could actually travel the time. that formula implies that man can only travel time if he can beat the speed of light.
Isn’t this the formula for how fast light can travel?