What does “clubfooted” mean?
“You’re blind – follow the cottonwoods and they’ll never see! You took the addle brain’s route.”
“Try it if you want.”
“I will !”
“Then you can tell me how you like the taste of arrow.”
“Maybe we aren’t as clubfooted as you are.”
Is it an insult? I couldn’t find a definition that fitted into this context.
having a deformed foot
Favorite Answer
American Heritage Dictionary – Cite This Source club·foot (klŭb’fŏŏt’) Pronunciation Key
A congenital deformity of the foot, usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle, heel, and toes. Also called talipes.
A foot so deformed.
club’foot’ed adj.
When used in this context the speaker is telling the other speaker that he is more swift and agile so that he will be able to avoid the enemy detection or attack.
P.S. Thanks for giving us ample context to give you an answer!