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addie d

What do you think are some good Pro-Life slogans to put on a pencil?

Someone I know wants to have pencils engraved with a pro-life slogan. But it has to be under 30 characters, including periods and spaces, etc. Something to attract the youth too.

Any ideas?

Top 4 Answers

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human is human

killer is someone who kill.

come as you are.

Don’t let go.

life is not possession.

smell like teen spirit.

where you might have been ?

give a chance to make a utopia!

how one can end a life ?

Respect !

what if Edison feticide ?

let the cycle rotate !

What if it was you ?

Save them !

They are human beings!

they are my suggestions, let me know if you are going to use any of them.

good luck


How about, “I wasted all this money on stupid pro-life pencils instead of spending it on the care of the millions of unwanted children already in the world.”

Ooops, that’s more than 30 letters.


“I think i can control other people”

“I am the boss of your body”

“I am god, so listen to me”

“Uh, you cant choose”

“dictators are fun”

“This is more important that the other problems of the world so lets just focus on what other people do with their personal lives instead of what matters to everyone”

“This kid could have been the president, or the next Albert Einstein”

“this kid could have been the next dictator, or even better the next BTK”


I didn’t count, i dont think you will use my ideas.. though you should.. RAISE AWARENESS


“what if it was you?”

that will make people think that what if they were aborted.


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