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I have been interested in becoming a teacher for the last year or two. Now I am out of High school and i’m about to start college sometime in August. The more I think of it though I’m not really sure if I want to be a teacher or if I would be a good teacher. I love kids, photography, and traveling. i have always wanted to be a photographer but my mom who was a photographer always tells me that you can’t make a living out of it and that everybody wants to do something like that.

I have always had a hard time in school. I did manage to keep my grades up and had mostly all A’s & B’s through High School. I graduated with a 3.2 GPA. I really don’t think I know what I want to be right now.

Top 7 Answers

Favorite Answer

Zorak says, “It is a good idea to at least attend college and shoot for the teaching gig now, but keep your eyes open for other subjects. Lilliane makes a good suggestion; art teacher. The point, though, is to attend, as you will latch onto something you will find to your liking. Don’t skip out on college if you have the chance to go. Not everyone has that luxury or ability. Good luck.”

Hi, I think it’s great you are asking this

question now……..I would not presume to

tell you what to do. I would think about, maybe write down (that’s optional) what your

interests are and perhaps you can find a

way to combine what you really like to do

with earning a living? You could research

this and research careers online. Best

wishes. By the way, not everyone knows

exactly what they want to do when they

start college… is a journey. You can

change your major. Many people even

change their careers after working. It is

helpful to know at least the direction,

and so on……there are also tests online

that are free that you can try. Try going

to the website, or checking out in a

public library “What Color Is Your Parachute” which tries to help you sort

it out……you can also do a double major

which would be more work but give you

additional options. You can also go to for ideas on what

jobs pay what…..what a job pays should

not be your only considerations. I think

it is wise that you consider what you

really love to do. There are books out

there on career and life planning, at or the library. Gathering more

info may help you to make choices.

It is your life, and I understand that earning

a living is a big consideration…..not

something to be totally ignored……but

it is not the only one.

There are also various types of teaching.

Teaching in a college is not the same

as teaching in a primary school, and

there are different kinds of schools.

Teaching could be related to mentoring

or training someone, and not have to

be in an educational climate.

You can also get tests for career planning

Try your local state university and see

if they offer them free……or look


Best wishes.


If you want to be a photographer and that has been a long time interest, go for it. In this case, your mother is wrong about not being able to make good money as a photographer. Plenty of newspapers and magazines need decent photographers and will pay good money for shots they want. I just found out that 80% of photos you see in magazines are taken by freelance photographers, and they are always in demand. Go check out: the photographers life dot com and read about it. Who wouldn’t like to take every day pictures and get paid for them? Follow your heart and don’t worry about following the crowd. A college education is not all it’s cracked up to be, trust me. It’s definitely NO guarantee of success!

That’s okay. Everybody at least change their majors 4 times. Try this, work as a teacher aid and see if that’s what you want. It worked for me. I love teaching.

You can combine your interest in teaching and photography. We need art teachers.

Brando Commando!!
well…really right now your going to have to make a descion on what you want to do with your life. you really can’t expect to get a straight answer from other people on here cause that would mean that they are trying to take control of your future right now. So the choice is really up to you.

You can combine your interest in teaching and photography.

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