what do you teach in kindergarten?
i am starting my first year teaching in september. i am pretty sure i will have a kindergarten class. i am just wondering what you start off teaching in kindergarten… abc’s, counting, seasons… things like that? i just don’t know where to start! please help! also, are there any good sites out there to get worksheets and lesson ideas?
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Kindergarten children are going to have compliance concerns so you really need to have a behavior/discipline policy in place and you need to check with your administrators on what the consequences are for kids who make mistakes. So first you need to get control, then you need to teach the kids what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior in your class. You should work on letters and letter sounds, writing (printing) their letters and numbers correctly. They need to begin learning simple sight words (the school should provide you with curriculum). They need to learn their colors. They need to count from 1-50 by rote by the end of the year. They should be able to write the numbers 1 to 20 and show one to one correspondence. They should know spacial relationships such as larger, smaller, above, below, behind, in front of …etc. They should be able to do patterns ABA, AABBAA. They should be able to retell the beginning, middle, and end of a story; tell you setting and characters too. They should be able to potty themselves and get coats on and off. Good luck. I teach special ed K-1.
In Kindergarten, you are giving the kids a taste of school and preparing them for what they’ll learn in first grade. There should be a curriculum and standards set in place at your school district, but hopefully the following sites will help.
I believe it varies by district, I would really recommend getting in touch with the first grade teachers once you know for sure and finding out what they will be wanting the kids to know. Good luck!