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What common sayings have you heard ADULTS mis-quote?

Sure, it’s funny when kids say things wrong, but Adults do it all the time too. For instance, my friend says she had to “wear my sister’s handy-downs.” (Instead of Hand-me-downs). Another lady I know complained about me seeing her house dirty by saying “what swallow we live in.” (instead of SQUALOR).

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lol. I’ve heard numerous sayings misquoted. One of my favorites: “Nip it in the butt”, which should be, “Nip it in the bud”, as in pruning a flowering tree or bush.

I very rarely correct people, except for my own children, and even then in private only. It’s not that important to me, and makes the person feel embarrassed or defensive. 🙂


Maybe these are examples of misquotes, verbal laziness or they are just pet peeves of mine, but I know fairly educated people who say “liberry” instead of “library”, “reef” instead of “wreath” (as in “I have a beautiful Christmas reef”) or “kinny” or “kiddy” “garden” instead of “kindergarten”. Yes, I know I’m picky…!

Dawn G
Many people will tell you that music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.

Thar may be so, but the actual quotation is “Music hath charms to soothe the savage BREAST.'”


Cement sidewalks. Very dusty. 😉 ~

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