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what career should i pursue?

i’m entering my sophomore year in high school. i know i still have time to decide, but i have no idea what i want to go to college to study to become. i was thinking about a doctor or a photographer but i really don’t know!

My question is: is there a website where i can compare different careers?

Top 10 Answers

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Yes. The best, most broad, up-to-date and resourceful website is When you go to the home page, look on the right under “Publications”, and then go to “Occupational Outlook Handbook”. It’ll take you to another page, where on the right hand side, you’ll see all kinds of different occupations, grouped by area of specialization, as well as the level – professional, service, sales, and so on. I think it’ll really help you. This website also has tons of information on all the current trends and salaries. Good luck! Oh, and also there are all kinds of career tests you can take; ask your school counselor about the “Army ASVAB test” I think it’s called, it asks you questions about different careers and your interests, and you arrive at a specific field chosen just for you . You can email me if you have any further questions.

Whoa!!! You really don’t know what you want to do if you are thinking either a doctor or photographer! If you still haven’t decided by the time you go to college, you do have some time. You need to take the generals anyway. You can find out what others are doing and if nothing else get a Business Administration with a minor in finance or something. Then you can always get a career. Be careful not to choose “Ancient Languages” or “zoology” or something goofy or you will be working at the Mall and paying your student loans with no hope of a career in your chosen field.

If your school offers the ASVAB test, you should sign up for it. The results will let you know which career (military) you’re suited for. It does NOT require you to go into the military. Google the term “personality test, careers” It will probably open new venues for you to try. Whatever you do, DON’T listen to someone else. Follow your own desires. The money is NOT worth the pursuit of a college degree/career you will not be happy in. Well, it depends on how MUCH money we’re talking about …

you dont really have a lot of time …alot of ppl say that but some majors require different classes..although u are following the the GE classes a particular major might call for human biology but u took intro biology…if that ends up happening some of ur classes may not end up counting.. some majors dont let u cross count classes..u have to be aware of that and hurry up and decide what u want to do..whatever career u choose u should be happy with what ur doing..not just because it makes alot of money. u should look up both of ur interests and see which one u would actually like to do.

good luck to you!


What course are you strongest at? What course in school are you most passionate about? Here’s a list:




Foreign Language



{Sports, if you’re really really good at a sport, not ust varsity, but starter & competing in states championships}

Activism (Do you organize things for your school?)

Business (Do you like to play simulated stock games?)

As a sophmore, organize it based on these broad categories. You can also stretch it a little. By “science,” you can mean liking to work on computers. That’s computer science.


u should go to yur college counselor as there are counselors available at any institute or u can visit

email advisor and they will answer you with in 24 hours.

2.BUt if u’ll ask me i would say join some health career field like Physician Assistant, Nurse assiatant, lab technician, radiology assiatant.. they earn 35,000 / month with just two yr of study.

and if you r young and can afforad time consuming study the best of the best is “Pharmacy”. 10,000 / month…WOW.

its 4 yer program.


There are a lot of career tests you can explore. I think Monstor has one. Plus, there are some good books such as Do What You Are or What Color is Your Parachute.

Good luck, some of us still don’t know what we want to be. Hey, I want to be retired. HA


I am just a fresman and now, i want to pursue a HRM course. I want to travel or work in a hotel.

sneaky is a good website to look up different job descriptions

Anonymous has an awesome, awesome list of career descriptions. i really do recommend it….it definitely worked for me =]

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