What can I do to help finance grad school?
Money remains the daunting factor to me. I’m still handling debt from my bachelor’s and I want to minimize cost as much as possible.
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Think about this, the only way for you to finance anything is to take out loans (unless you have rich parents who are willing to pull the money out of their butts). By the time you’re done with grad school, you will have DOUBLE the debt… with no work experience, you probably wont get paid what you deserve, less likely will you earn enough to pay off the debt. This will be a big drawback once you graduate, you’ve got this big degree and a bigger liability. BUT, if you have work experience first and some time to pay off some of the money, go back to grad school, get your loan, when you get in the field (WITH PRIOR EXPERIENCE), you’ll be well grounded and your debt wont consume you.