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What can I do to discipline myself more?

Im an A= student but sometimes I feel like Im lacking. I may do my work but I always complain or wait until the last minute. Same thing when I practice/play my violin. I like school and violin among other things but sometimes Im just plain lazy!!! What can I do to finx this?


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i have the same problem and the best thing to do is to keep everything in balance. let’s say, for example, you come home from school and you really want to watch tv but you also have homework. instead of forcing yourself to go into your room and study right away, watch a little tv to unwind but make a reasonable limit like “after watching my favorite show, i’ll start on my homework.” or, in order to motivate yourself, start on your homework right away and don’t let yourself watch tv until it’s done. then you’ll want to finish. and remember, you’re the boss of yourself. even if you don’t want to, you CAN force yourself up off the couch, off the phone, or away from whatever is keeping you from doing what you have to do.

keep up the great work! an A average student is very impressive when you’re constantly waiting until the last minute! you’ll go far in life! good luck!


Sounds like you are bored. You need more going on. The student with lots going on, usually know how to juggle their life. It forces you to be better organized and not wait until the last minute. After you wasted time, you will find out how bad it is to go to be last minute.

i have the same problem but what i notice helps me is ‘just doing it!”. i mean if i wait to do something it makes me feel bad and sluggish but if i go ahead and do it i feel better about myslef. so dont think about it and do what you have to do.

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