What are the steps in making an oration or speech?
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2. Make a list of three things about your subject that you think the audience doesn’t know. Two will do, but four is too many.
3. Practice the following:
— Stand up and smile.
— Tell the audience, in one sentence, what you want to tell them. It’s not a bad idea to use the words “Did you know that…”
— Now tell them the three things that you want them to know. Pretend there is only going to be one person there, and talk to him as if he were a good friend listening to you on the telephone.
— You told the audience what you would tell them. Then you told them. Now tell them what you told them.
4. On the day of your talk, bring your notes with you and look at them before you begin. Then, put them in your pocket and don’t look at them during your speech. Instead look, one after another, at people in the audience.