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What are the exams like in community college art history classes?

Also, what about music appreciation?

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It depends upon the instructor/professor. The college I went to had multiple choice tests for music appreciation. This type of test is easier for them to grade, as essays in blue books take a lot of time, and handwriting is very hard to read. In art history classes, you write papers, and take multiple choice exams.

Pay close attention to what your professor says in lecture, and take copious notes. Usually that is what is important and will be on the exams. Make sure you visit your professor during office hours and ask any questions at that time. That is why professors have office hours, and it is time well spent if you make use of it.

Best wishes.


5 years ago
yes! you should do it. it will help you get a better feel for the field. it will also help you do really well on the AP exam: it is likely that your AP art history class (it’s a survey from ancient art to modern art) will repeat a lot of what your community college class teaches. this may not be a bad thing. in any case, you might want to take an art history class at the community college which is not a survey: i.e. a class that is about a specific period. colleges will of course appreciate that you took a college level class.

As an art teacher- I thought any classes at community college were only a small step above High school level and extremely easy.

Just STUDY and take the test, you will do fine.


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