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What are the best medical schools for dermatology??

Im only 13 so could you please also break down how many years? And does the undergrad school matter?

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Dermatology is something you specialize in during your residency, so you don’t have to worry about using your interest to decide which medical school is best for you.

As you probably know, you’re likely looking at:

4 years of undergrad

4 years of medical school

1 year internship

3-4 year residency (you don’t have to become a resident at your school’s affliliated hospital.)

The undergrad school doesn’t matter as much as people think. Go to whichever one you think you’ll like the best and get the best grades in–and pay especially close attention to those grades in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Organic Chemistry and Calculus. You’ll want As in the first 4.


4 years ago
Best Medical Schools For Dermatology

4 years ago
Best Dermatology Schools

You usually do 4 years undergraduate (to obtain a bachelors) and 4 years of medical school. Then you do 4 years of residency (on the job training) in a specific speciality (such as dermatology). Generally you don’t really pick your residency until after you have graduated. From there you do an internship and then apply to your desired residency program.

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