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What are some good paying jobs for a 17 year old high school graduate?

I graduated from high school in June I turn 18 in December….March of 2008 I am going to start my 5 year apprenticeship to learn a trade, in the mean time I need a good paying job! I currently make $7.40 an hour,With a high school diploma I should be making more right? So what are some good paying jobs for 17 year old high school graduates??? Please help

Top 7 Answers

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You got one- most other jobs are out for you because you aren’t 18- they have insurance to worry about.

Jordan D
There aren’t many options for you. A diploma does NOT mean you should be making alot. That requires at least an Associate’s degree, and usually a Bachelor’s or Master’s.

HS graduates that aren’t yet 18 can expect to make about what you’re making, sometimes a few dollars more. Try working as a waiter, so you get tips. Some construction companies hire under 18 to do building jobs and that pays well, but most of the companies require you to be 18.


5 years ago
Age may be a problem in Real Estate initially, especially since the house market has all but fallen apart. You mention that she is a natural at sales. How about testing that theory. My oldest son went to a four year college for his freshman year and did fine enough but seemed restless and unsatisfied. When we talked about it, he indicated that the school was fine (but he’s never been a “big” guy on school although he does fine on grades), but it felt like he wasn’t going anywhere. He had this “crazy” idea about wanting to go check out Tampa (We’re from OH). He had a girlfriend reason, sort of, but what he really wanted to do was to get out on his own. Now, to be clear, I don’t really advocate this in general, but in his case, we were able to work some situations around where it was a safe proposition. Anywah, we set some ground rules on what he had to do in terms of timing of getting a job, finding a doctor, you know, the normal stuff that someone who is responsible would do. He got an initial job at a movie rental place that paid barely above Min Wage (but he met the job deadline). After about 3 months, he’d about had it. He barely made any money, it sucked up his time etc. He was still enrolled in school full time as well. (I’m getting to my point, I promise). He’s a natural salesperson. He hated the minimum wage grind. One day he said “how do I get ahead of all this”. My response was that there are only two real ways to make decent money, i.e. make a lot more per hour on average, when you’re that age: Work in the restaurant business and get good tips) or sell something of significant value to someone. He was also interested in the idea of real estate but we found him something a little better to cut his teeth on. He got a job selling at CarMax. I liked the situation because: . CarMax is real. It’s not some fly by night thing and it’s not a typical “dealership” model . CarMax provided real, corporate, sales training . CarMax customers buy something of real value (a car), which means you actually have to sell . Car Max has a good formula, it’s real sales, and, in my son’s case, he can reall get a feel for whether sales is his “thing” or not. Turns out, for him it is. Of all the things you said…if you really believe you’re daughter can sell and has the sales personality (Driven, gets restless, likes to “win” either by persuading someone she’s right or by flat out beating them, has good verbal skills, and has some natural presence/charisma, consider suggesting she start by testing the water on sales. If she has sales in her blood, the other two may look interesting initially but she’ll be bored before you know it. If it turns out selling really isn’t her “thing”, my gut says counseling might be a good second and pharmacy a third (but I’ve never met her so it’s just gut) Hope that helps some.

Having a high school diploma means that there are more options for you and jobs will usually be willing to hire you. it does not mean you will make more money to start with or guarantee you a certain wage. 7.40 an hour is a good salary for somebody who is going to school. You could search around for another job but don’t dump the one you have before you find a better one.

It will be hard to find a good-paying job that you plan on staying at temporarily because companies don’t want to hire people who don’t plan on staying there. I would suggest going to a temp agency and doing office work. You might be able to get a temp job paying $9-$11.00 an hour.

Why should you be making more? You have a diploma, but that’s it. You need skills, education, and experience. Be happy with your current wage and focus on school so you can start making better money in the future.

Michael M
good year tire and firestone change the oil in cars and change the tires pays well. promotion.

Stanley Steam er and learn hnow to clean rugs.


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