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What are some good majors?

I need ideas for a college major…… I’m open to anything. I don’t care if it’s gonna make me a lot of money or just a little. I just want to do something I can enjoy… I love being active. I’m not one to sit down for long periods of time… But I could if I needed to……….. PLEASE, Please help. I’ll take any ideas, and if you could tell me a few of the job opportunities to go along with that major, that would be great!! Thanks.

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If you love being active you could go into something like health sciences-sports. You could go into education, architecture, anything that would make you happiest.

Don’t worry if you enter college with the wrong major. You can always change it while you’re there.


IMO good majors are usually those that pay well and offer enriching stable careers. For that I would recommend either something in the business (where you can get a career ranging from operations to sales) or the science field (either in research or in services). Both offer great pay and the opportunity to grow, as well as to make an impact in the field you’re in (particularly the science field).

I would not recommend something from the liberal arts department, as unless you plan on teaching the subject, things tend to be more difficult when it comes to finding jobs for them (usually for majors like sociology, anthropology, English literature and so on). Those kind of majors tend to have many graduating students suddenly finding that their demand is already oversaturated, and unless they want to become a professor in their field the chances of finding something stable that pays well too becomes very challenging.

Talk to those around you who have experienced both realms of majors, and hopefully if they’ve graduated with the major ask how it’s gone for them. That’ll usually give you a great idea of what the real world has in store for any of the above majors. Hope this helps.


rob d
You could study Biology. This will lead to an unending list of opportunities. You can work for the Envioronmental Protection Agency and mess around in the woods and creeks and stuff. Police Criminalists usually have a micro-biology background. If you don’t want to sit around, count any business field out.

Tracey O
if you have no idea what to do, you should enter undeclared and really try to experience what your school has to offer. you might fall in love with a subject and BAM there is your major

i would pick anything in communicatons. lol journalism – making you a journalist. or get into specifics. magazine journalism or newspaper journalism or broadcast journalism.

then there is public relations. you work become a companies publicist. and marketing … is as you would imagin you can become a marketer.

then there is poli sci, if you’re interested in politics.


Definitely begin with business and then maybe working with animals at some level. Lots of money to be made leaving you with plenty of time to be active.

Lana S
Business Administration,, go for a Masters

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