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What are some forms of discipline with Elementary, junior high and high school age children?

What do you think the best forms of discilpine work best? Whats the difference between parents and teachers discipling children>

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Physical discipline is the worst type. Never do that. It will just make the kid learn to be violent and hate the people that do it. I would say that you should just take privileges away and if they are good again, give the privileges back. Positive reenforcement helps.

In Elementary School, discipline is usually a time out in the corner for a certain period of time (their age in minutes) and then in Junior high and high school, the only appropriate discipline would be detention, and a note home to the parents.

There is a huge amount of difference between parents and teachers when it comes to discipline. Do not act on any kind of discipline without thinking about the trouble it may cause you if a parent finds out.


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