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Sonia R

what are some esay research topics??

what are some esay research topics??

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General Research Guides for Students:

Easy to use links that will help with all your research needs, try typing a keyword or two into the search engine and see what happens.


First of all, what do you like? Maybe you’re a dancer. Research how some dancers are pressured to be pole-thin, and how some develop eating disorders. Do you like video games or movies? Research the effects of violence on little children, and the purpose for ratings. I personally had a TON of fun discovering information on whether Roosevelt knew that the attack upon Pearl Harbor would occur, and just didn’t do anything. Maybe you really like language or math. Look up how either of them were developed. You can discover how explicit lyrics affect young listeners. If you really like different cultures, look how one particular culture would live an ordinary day, or some of their rules. A hot topic could be debating about what makes a law a right, and who gets to decide what makes a law fair. You could study the corruption of the legal system. A fairly easy topic would be whether or not the death sentence should be allowed. I doubt that a school would allow this topic, but you could also look at abortion. It really depends on what you like. Make it interesting, so that you will be interested to look up more information on whatever topic you choose. It will be MUCH more enjoyable to write if you write about something you’re passionate about or interested in.

The best way to come up with a topic is to think of something that you are interested in and would like to know more about. Begin asking questions. If you can come up with a good list of questions, then you have a starting place for researching your topic.

As a general rule avoid topics you’ve heard discussed a million times or ones that you have your mind completely set in one direction. If you think of research as exploring or finding out information, you will write a much more interesting paper.

I’ve had students write interesting papers on topics like these (Notice how each includes questions to explore):

Juveniles tried as adults . . .

Does trying a minor as an adult work? What happens when a minor is tried as an adult? How often does this happen? For what types of crimes? Is this better justice or less justice?

Preventing Teen Pregnancy . . .

What is being done to help prevent teen pregnancy? How effective are these measures? How much effort is put into targeting teen girls? teen boys? What is life like for a teen parent? Are there success stories–teen parents that make it work?

The foster care system . . .

What are the basic procedures for becoming a foster parent in my state? How many foster families are there? What are the benefits for being a foster parent? How are foster parents monitored and evaluated? What happens when a foster parent is abusive? Why are some foster children moved around a lot? What are some of the problems with our foster care system? What are some proposed solutions?

Start by thinking of what interests, concerns, or puzzles you. If you are interested in animals, for example, you could write about vets or the Humane Society or dog fights or elephants in zoos, etc. If you are interested in business, you can write about starting a business, selling a business, operating a business or giving up on a business. In any case, you will want to think about the size of your paper to determine how broad or how narrow your topic should be.

If your instructor give you specific guidelines, be sure to follow them, and ask questions if they seem unclear to you.


Sonia, I think you would get better input from people here and could also channel your own thinking better if you would write a more specific question.

What type of a class are you writing the essay for?

Is your essay to be controversial, i.e. does it need to be argumentative and persuasive or just informative?

How long is your essay to be?

How many sources are you expected to use?

What subject or topics are YOU most interested in? Research is much more enjoyable if you find what you are reading stimulating or interesting?

Do you get the idea here? I used to tell my students, “Do not just tell me ‘I need help. Be prepared to tell me how I can help you specifically.'” If you will use Answers this way too, people will be able to be of more serive to you.


First of all are you willing to plan out the search or just copy paste. If you can plane use this topic. Mental health and the third brain. The lower brain was the first brain and still holds great power in man.

marcy d
It depends what class you’re in, but whatever it is, make sure it’s something you are interested in. Think about shows you might have seen on the Discovery Channel or the History Channel, and if any of those topics caught your interest.

It might depend on what class you’re in, well, and what country. If you were in the US, you could do a research project on the attack on Normandy and D-Day and all of that stuff.

oil- humans pump it out at least twice as fast as mutha nature makes it lol

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